Dec 1, 2010


I know that I just posted yesterday, but I have exciting news! I got my homestay family today :)
I attatched a link to the map of where my hosue is in Valladolid, if anyone is interested. We are very close (about 4 minutes...) to the hospital and the University, which is nice! 
Here is some information about my family:
-I am living with an older couple... they are in their 60's (Dionisia and Bonifacio)
-They have on daughter, María, who is 33 and lives outside of Valladolid, but comes home on most weekends to see her family.
-Dioni is a great cook!

I also got my roommate! She goes to Eau Claire, but I haven't met her yet.. I hope to get together with her soon!

Nov 30, 2010

It's The Final Countdown... Almost!

Well, I decided to create a blog for when I'm in Spain! I hope it helps everyone stay updated with how and what I'm doing, and serves as a general announcement that I'm still surviving. The countdown = 38 days! I am very excited, but also super nervous! 

My visa came in today from Chicago, and I will pick it up tomorrow. The program coordinator from Eau Claire picked up the visas from Chicago for us, which was very helpful, since they are only open during the week! I should also receive my roommate and homestay family assignment sometime this week! So much is happening so quickly! 

The semester in Eau Claire is winding down (although I'd like to say slowly, it's pretty hectic with projects, exams, and my first working professional portfolio for the school of education!)

I attatched a map of Spain... I am staying in the city of Valladolid. It's north of Madrid, which is in the center of Spain.